Logo - TT-Sporthorses GmbH - weiss (klein)
Logo - TT-Sporthorses GmbH - weiss (klein)
Tobias Thoenes - Geschäftsführer TT-Sporthorses GmbH

Tobias Thoenes

After a lot of years in different show and dealing stables Tobias Thoenes made his step into his own buisness with founding TT Sporthorses Gmbh in Keppeln (NRW) with the main focus of training horses and riders. In 2020 he started building a modern trainingscenter with perfect conditions for the showjumpingsport.

professional Background

After his highscool diploma he became part of the Sportschule der Bundeswehr in Warendorf where he made his education as showjumper and also as a office clerk. After this trainees his started riding for big stables like Paul Schöckemöhle, Studfarm Zangersheide and Holger Hetzel.

equestrian Career

Tobias Thoenes developed already a big interest for the showjumpingsport during elementary school. As a pony / junior and joung rider he gaint already great successes during german- and europeanchampionchip where he got already a lot of experiences in showjumping. Till now he rode over 300 different horses successful on shows.

[more see professional background | equestrian career (click button below)]


Range of services for horse owners

Range of services for riders

Competition stable

TT Sporthorses has a big indoor arena from 60x30m with modern horsestables, big tackboxes, a walking mashine and nice sandpaddocks to give perfekt conditions for horse and riders.